03 Feb 2020
BREXIT - Update on Company registrations
Current Status
The current status of Company F Gas registrations following the UK exit from the EU is that up until 31st December 2020 UK registration certification will continue to be recognised and accepted in EU countries.
After 23.00 hours on 31st December the Company certification will cease to be recognised and Companies trading in or working with F Gases will require to hold EU certification.
It should be noted that the registration certification is required to be in the language of the Country in which the tasks are being undertaken. A translation to accompany a certificate is acceptable provided it is a certified translation.
Registration within an EU country
Companies who wish to register in an EU member state will be required to employ engineers who hold valid EU certification. As of 31st December 2020 engineer's certificates issued by UK certification bodies will not be acceptable for Company registration purposes.
Registering Now
If you wish to register now you can either use the UK engineers certificates or obtain Exchange EPA certificates and use these to register.
If you use UK engineers certificates you will need to upload the Exchange certificates at a later date up to 31st December 2020.
After that date your Company certificate renewal will require you to upload valid certificates.